Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Vampire Diaries Spoilers For The Originals: Klaus’s Ally?

Klaus and Elijah Look Intense in The Vampire Diaries Spin-Off The OriginalsHere we thought Klaus (Joseph Morgan) would have to take on New Orleans all by his lonesome in The Originals. Yet in a behind-the-scenes video for The Vampire Diaries Season 4, Episode 20, “The Originals,” it looks like he may have found someone to take up his cause.
Marcel, Klaus’s former protégé, is king of New Orleans. He tells his ex-mentor, “What’s mine is yours, but it is mine.” As the man in charge, “he does what he wants, he kills who he wants,” says one of the witches. Klaus is envious of all of this.
Elijah (Daniel Gillies) realizes that it’s the witches of New Orleans who are cooking something up for Klaus, but maybe one of them is willing strike a deal with him. “I’m going to stop him,” witch Sophie tells Klaus of Marcel. “And you’re going to help me.”
As Joseph Morgan told Wetpaint Entertainment, the witches must have permission from Marcel in order to use magic. Maybe it’s not Klaus they’re plotting against — but the king of NOLA.
Either way, we can’t wait to see this supernatural showdown. As Daniel Gillies explains in the video, vampires run the town and don’t have to hide in the shadows. Well, they can only come out at night, but that’s when all the best parties are anyway...

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